Random Blah, Blah, Blah, Cathy, Polly, Alexa…

This past week, I took my sister to an out-patient surgery center for a minor surgical procedure. The procedure was scheduled for 9:30 AM, and of course we had to be there an hour and a half before. I think I mentioned as I was driving that it was like going to the airport 2 hours early for check-in. The car radio corrected me… it was the Wednesday before Christmas, and the recommended check-in time was 3 hours before any scheduled flights.

It was also the coldest day of the year, here in central Florida, at 43(F) degrees and a 15-mph wind. There was total cloud cover and no visible sun, so any chance of warming up was nil. So, to get to the point, we were on time, and she had her procedure done at 10:45. “Delays”, they said. I went outside for a walk-about, and the frigid wind blew me back into the air-conditioned waiting room. Florida doesn’t turn off the AC unless we have a week of freezing temperatures… no chance of that. About 20 minutes later, I was ushered into the post-op area and there was my sister, talking and joking with the nurses. The doctor had given her moderate sedation, or twilight sleep, and she was fully awake and ready to go home, so they sent me to get the car and meet them at the pick-up area.

Once she was in the car, I turned the heater on to HHH (high, hot, and helluva lot), and off we went. That’s when she started talking. She was still talking 30 minutes later when we got home. I think that every thought that popped into her head was verbalized for the next 4 hours.

Out of the blue, she started talking about her cockatiels, Petie and Buddy. They were entertaining and could sing and talk. However, both flew over the rainbow bridge about 20 years ago. I kind of listened with one ear, until she mentioned moving on to parakeets after Sissy croaked. Sissy is old, her (now) peach-faced lovebird, who I think is manic, depressive. Sissy spends most of the day on the bottom of her cage, hiding under her food container, then unexpectedly she’s swinging from the rafters of her cage chirping her fool head off.

Manic Depressive Peach Faced Lovebird.
At least she’s quiet!

About 4:30, my sister finally crashed and took a nap [sigh]. I immediately grabbed a beer and went out on the patio to listen to the sounds of nature. Randomly, I started thinking about chatty things. My sister got a Chatty Cathy doll sometime in the early 1960s, which was a pull-string talking doll. She pulled that string a lot. Blah, blah, blah…

Change my dress, Sing to me, Tell me a Story, blah, blah, blah

My next random though was what if someone had a parrot? A very talkative parrot. Arrrgh!

And they received an Amazon Alexa as a Christmas gift!!!

Okay Polly, what type of crackers would you like for me to order for you?

The worst Christmas gift E.V.E.R!

4 thoughts on “Random Blah, Blah, Blah, Cathy, Polly, Alexa…

  1. I’m betting they gave your sister Versed. That stuff makes me chatty. It’s like I’m talking and talking and my brain is saying, “Gail, shut up!?” And I know I’m telling the doctor silly pointless stories but I just can’t stop! I’ve been told Versed either makes you chatty or makes you repeat yourself over and over and over.

    My oldest sister had a Chatty Cathy doll. I remember it well. I also remember a neighbor girl who had one. She “took hers to the dentist” and pulled its two teeth! Her mother wasn’t thrilled with her for that!

    Had to laugh over the manic depressive peach faced love bird! LOL!


    1. You’re right, they did give her Versed. I’ve never heard her talk so much! As for the “Love” bird… I don’t know how they got that name. I notice she chirps her fool head off when we watch TV at night. I think she likes the commercials; otherwise, she hides on the bottom of her cage. My sister says she’s depressed, oy vey!

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