I’ve been running in my sleep again…

I went for a run this morning…in my sleep… I think. I’ve been running or jogging in my sleep for a long time now. The best part about sleep running is I’m not winded and there’s no pain in my knees or feet. I think this is a recurring dream, probably from days of yore when I did run. However, I have to wonder, my calves and hamstrings are tight and achy today. My neighbor, DotVadar, is a sleep walker. Her husband has been awakened on many occasions when he heard her get up in the night and open the front door. He’s had to fetch her back to bed, of which she has no memory. I wonder if DotV and I have been working out together in the wee hours of the morning?

This was my birthday weekend. I made it a 4 day weekend and don’t have to return to work until tomorrow. I took a break from the “Y” (MCA) and haven’t lifted an elephant since last Wednesday. What I HAVE done is dig up the yard and plant annuals. Our risk of ‘freeze’ is over and the trees have started putting on new green leaves. Since the time change, I have extra daylight to ride my bike after work and the “Y”. I love spring! It’s so invigorating! My regrets to those still snowed in 😦

Hey! It was a short month!

7 thoughts on “I’ve been running in my sleep again…

  1. I still Nordic ski in my sleep–and always downhill, swooping along the hills in joy! <:-D

    Glad you're getting springtime. We're cold and rainy here in the NW. Plus the wind. I love all that weather in combo, but this year I need some warm sun and clear skies. hope hope hope!

    I've been meaning to tell you: I LOVE that Gene Wilder photo over there! He's one of my favorite kooks!


    1. I just wish I kept track of my miles so I can log it on my FitLinxx Tracker! There must be some benefit to sleep exercise! Since this is a kooky site, Gene Wilder fits, don’t you think? 🙂


      1. I’ve never heard your voice, but I can *imagine* you channeling Gene!

        Pretty sure that exercise in dreams counts toward muscle memory and brain wiring. >:-D

        Just noticed in your tag cloud this progression: Shelley shrimp Squirrels TAXPAYERS. Why does that all work together so well?! hee hee


    1. I wish it could be spring much longer and the summers milder. It would be heaven! All too soon it will be insufferably hot and humid, but today it was beautiful. Spring is wonderful, so I have to live in the moment 🙂 I will be wishing for “frost” about mid-June!


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